About GNIA

About GNIA

GNIA: Great Neighbors in Action

GNIA was founded to unite neighbors and empower them to improve the quality of life in the Glen Neighborhood. It is that mission that makes the GNIA-sphere one of the best places to live in Baltimore.

Our GNIA members know that they are an integral part of this neighborhood’s growth and success.

Whether you work, pray, or play in Glen, you can take pride in the fact that you are surrounded by people who care.

How GNIA Cares:

Combating the physical deterioration of the community

Informing residents about resources available to them to maintain and/or improve their property

Working with City government and other groups/agencies to maintain and improve the character and infrastructure of Glen

Combating crime and empowering residents to stay safe in their community

Our meetings bring you face to face with people who can make things happen.

Forming private and public partnerships to plan and build neighborhood projects.

Improving roads and alleys

Increasing pedestrian and auto safety in Glen

Funding GNIA activities through grants, partnerships, and membership

Our History

Glen Neighborhood was developed from the 1920s through the 1960s by converting farmland to suburbs. Glen Neighborhood Improvement Association (GNIA) was formed in the late 1960s. Jackie Miller, Delores Brown, Min Hoffspiegel and Howard Moore were early presidents. Our recent presidents have been Iris Smith, Derreck Lennon, and Maxine Webb. Our current president Betty Cherniak is the latest to step up and serve. All of our presidents have been past members.


Glen Neighborhood is developed by converting farmland to suburbs.

Late 1960s

Glen Neighborhood Improvement Association (GNIA) is formed. Howard Moore and Jackie Miller were two of the early presidents. Min Hoffspiegel, Delores Brown and Iris Smith have also served as presidents.

  • GNIA develops a newsletter to attract members and spread awareness of activities
  • GNIA organizes a Glen’s Keep Our Neighborhood Beautiful Fair
  • GNIA participates in various flea markets and Street Scape to unify community members

GNIA incorporates in Maryland as a non-profit organization


Glen co-hosts the inaugural International Diversity Celebration Music Festival at Pimlico Middle School; Mayor Martin O’Malley addresses the festival attendees

Great Neighbors In Action

GNIA is Advocacy

GNIA is Information

GNIA is Community

Our Goals for the Future

GNIA will continue to fulfill its mission to serve the long and short term interests of its members. GNIA is already influencing and impacting the changing landscape of the Glen Neighborhood by having a place at the development table. From beautifying the Reisterstown Road business corridor, to traffic calming on Park Heights Avenue. From the Pimlico Racetrack revitalization to the future of the Northern Parkway training center, massive projects are taking place in and around our area. Our ongoing fight against neighborhood blight improves the quality of life for all our residents.

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