Upcoming Events & Meetings

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Check Back often, community and neighborhood events will be posted here

Listing of Upcoming Meetings and Important Dates

GNIA General Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of every month, September through June (except where holidays require the meeting to occur on a different date). General Meetings are open to the public. GNIA Board meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month, September through June (except where holidays require the meeting to occur on a different date). Board meetings are closed to the public, except upon request for specific concerns.

The meetings are usually held at the Park Heights JCC at 5700 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 at 7:00pm

GNIA General Meeting Dates 2024/2025











Listing of Upcoming Meetings and Important Dates

Friends of Pimlico Park Monthly Meetings: Monthly meetings for the Friends of Pimlico Park are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5pm, unless agreed to otherwise during a board meeting. Use the entrance on Clover.

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